Smoothies for Men

Smoothies for Men

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You may think a post titled “Smoothies for Men” are going to be filled with recipes for pre-workout drinks. That or methods on how you can blend meat with alcohol to make a meal. Although those maybe interesting topics, we are taking a more practical view of what makes up smoothies for men. 

This site is primarily geared for Dad’s. One thing we have found is that when we became Dads the quality of our diet deteriorated. Don’t get me wrong, my bachelor years saw a lot of pizza and cereal. However, post marriage, time and money were more abundant and we ate good quality food both in the house and at restaurants. Once kids came into our world, the option of going to restaurants diminished (outside of fast food) and the meals at home were often consumed standing up.  

As the kids have gotten a little older, our house has found a little better flow and the quality of meals have certainly improved. The grill has become central to our weekends (check out our meat price index to plot out your grilling). This has improved protein intake along with a diversity of grilled vegetables. The resent introduction of an air fryer to our kitchen has also helped with food quality and diversity. We can quickly re-heat leftovers or cook veggies to get the crisp we like.  

Why These Smoothies

All of this said, I have never been great at getting fruit into my diet. The benefits of fruit are well known. In additions to vitamins they provide some great sugars that can aid tired parents trying to keep up with life (as we detail in this article). I like a lot of fruit, so my only real excuse for not eating more of them is time and planning. Fruit has a shelf life and are not normally a side that you meal plan for (like a starch or vegetables).  Fruit based smoothies have become a hack to get fruit into my diet and they do so while meeting all the following criteria.

Smoothies for Men Criteria

  1. The Smoothie Recipe has to be Simple – Few ingredients and those ingredients have to be readily available. All of our smoothie recipes here do not have more than 6 ingredients, and outside of getting the frozen fruit, all of the rest of the items can be found in your pantry. 
  1. Quick to Make and Clean Up – These smoothie recipes should not take you more than 5 minutes to make and another minute or two to clean up. Having a Smoothie Blender with single serve cups is a great tool and makes this process very easy. Here is a article reviewing the best blenders for smoothies and costs range from $50 and up. We got one from Amazon for under $50 (MDS is an Amazon Affiliate). 
  1. The Smoothie must be Healthy and Filling – All of our Smoothie recipes are 500 calories or less and the output is normally 20 oz or more, which will really fill you up. The recipes all use frozen fruit, so you are getting the health benefits of the fruits that go into the smoothie.  
  1. Smoothies that Taste Great – All of these smoothies are fruit forward, so if you like the taste of fruit, you will like these smoothies. Our kids will also drink these smoothies, so it is a great way to supplement fruit into their diet.  

Smoothies for Men Recipes 

Mango Cherry Smoothie – Cherries deliver some of the best flavor in smoothies. The dark sweet cherries in this will not disappoint. This smoothie only has 4 ingredients and comes in at 425 calories.  

Yogurt Peach Smoothie – This smoothie has 5 ingredient and 430 calorie smoothie is as easy to drink as it is to make. This smoothie has a cup of Greek yogurt in it, which blends well and gives it an ice cream quality to it. We will often use this smoothie as a dessert for our kids. 

Tangy Lime Peach Smoothie – The sweet and tangy cousin of the Yogurt Peach Smoothie. With 5 ingredient and at 344 calories this smoothie will not disappoint. The lime tempers the sweetness of the peaches and delivers a tangy flavor you will love.

Mango Smoothie without Yogurt – If you need a dairy free option, this Mango Smoothie is a great one. Mangos blend into a very creamy consistency, so you can get the smoothie feel without Yogurt or Milk. You will need 5 ingredients and this will come in at only 300 calories

Mango Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie (MPSS) – This smoothie blends 3 fruits, with strawberries being the flavor centerpiece. MPSS drinks like a tangy strawberry milkshake. With 3 different fruits in this, there ends up being 6 total ingredients, but only 355 calories.  

Strawberry and Peanut Butter Smoothie – Think of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a glass. This 4 ingredient smoothie mixes to 16 ounce and a 420 calorie drink. This hearty smoothie provides antioxidants from the strawberries and delivers 27% of a man’s daily protein need.

Tart Cherry Smoothie – Our simplest and smallest smoothie on this list. The Tart Cherry Smoothie has 3 ingredients and makes a 10-ounce drink that comes in at 300 calories. This tart smoothie is a great afternoon snack or dessert replacement.

FDA – Fruit Facts

Smoothie Add Ins

We use these smoothies as meal replacements for ourself. I will often drink one for Breakfast or Lunch and reserve dinner for a heartier meal. Our kids will also eat these as a meal replacement or for dessert in lieu of something less healthy. They often dress it up with whip cream or granola to add to the meal. 

You can also use different add ins if desired to add to the health or taste flavor. Protein powders will easily mix in and not alter the taste if you desire added protein. I will occasionally add coffee to cherry-based smoothies if I am in need of some caffeine. The beauty of the smoothie is that they are so versatile. You can easily take it on the go with you or eat it at home. We will add to our smoothie list over time. If you have any recipes you like, please drop that in the comments. Happy blending!