Yogurt Peach Smoothie Recipe – for Parents on the Go

Yogurt Peach Smoothie

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If you read our post 3 Foods That Gives You Energy – For Parents, you saw that Fruit Based Smoothies were one of the items we highlighted. Being a parent, you often need that extra energy to get through your day. The easy go to foods for shots of energy are highly processed and often unhealthy. The energy boost you get is short-lived, and you are quickly back in the cycle you were working to get out of. This Yogurt Peach Smoothie offers a healthy alternative to this. If you want something low in calories that can also provide a long-lasting shot of energy, then we have a treat for you.

The Yogurt Peach Smoothie is one of our favorite meals that can satisfy you while also not packing on the pounds. Smoothies are filling, so this can be a replacement meal and easy to eat on the go. It may feel like a Smoothie takes a lot of work and requires great cleanup. Items like a Magic Bullet or a powerful blender have made creation and cleanup very easy.

Here is the recipe and process for the Yogurt Peach Smoothie.


Yogurt Peach Smoothie (430 Calories)
  • 1.5 Cups of Frozen Sliced Peaches (75 Cal.)
  • 1 Cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk* (35 Cal.)
  • 1 Cup of Honey Greek Yogurt (300 Cal.)
  • 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon-Sugar Mix** (19 Cal.)
  • 1 dash of Almond Extract (1 Cal.)

*Feel free to substitute Milk, Soy Milk, or your other preferred Milk Substitute

**Cinnamon-Sugar Mix is 4 parts Sugar to 1 part Cinnamon. It is great for Cinnamon Toast as well, so we keep a small jar around at all times. If you don’t want to mix you own, you can buy Cinnamon-Sugar mix at the grocery store from McCormick or other brands normally in the spice section.

Yogurt Peach Smoothie Recipe Ingredients
Yogurt Peach Smoothie Recipe Ingredients


  1. This is very simple.  Add all the ingredients into your bullet blender cup or your blender.  Never fill above the “Fill To” line on the device or you may end up with a mess.  
  2. If you have different blender blades use the 4-pronged serrated blade.  If that is not an option, use the most “aggressive” of your blade options.  You will be breaking up frozen fruit so you will want this really blended and not chunky.  
  3. Run in the blender until you get the consistency of a milk shake.  If the smoothie is not blending well and needs more liquid to loosen it up, add more Almond Milk (or preferred substitute).  Put this back on the blender and try again to see if it comes together.  You may need to do this several times to find the right consistency.  Try not to over add additional Almond Milk (or other), as you do not want a watered-down outcome.
  4. Once blended to milkshake consistency, remove from the blender, pour and serve.  Pretty simple!
  5. Clean up should solely consist of the bullet or blender that you used.  Many of the bullet cups are dishwasher safe.  After a rinse it can go right into the dishwasher.  

Enjoying Your Yogurt Peach Smoothie

Smoothies from a coffee or smoothie shop are expensive.  Consider making yours at home as it is a simple process and much more cost effective.  You can also make this in preparation for a later meal or even the next day.  The ingredients will not separate after blending and will stay good in the fridge for a day if you are meal planning.  

If you want to get wild, consider replacing peaches with mangos or pineapples or blend multiple fruits. You can also add protein powder or other supplements if you are looking for some added nutrition to your meal. There are a lot of variations that can be done with this recipe, and they are all delicious. We also have a recipe for a yogurt-free smoothie if that is of interest to you.

If you give the Yogurt Peach Smoothie a try, drop us a line and let us know what you think. Enjoy!